AppsEvents EdTech Buzzwords Bingo Card for BETT 2015

Here is our final Buzzword Bingo card for BETT 2015. Thanks to everyone who contributed their ideas.

Shout-out to +Dan Taylor +Tim Brown +Susan Gilley +Charlie Gerancher +Lori Curtis +Nathan Kellogg +Blanca E. Duarte +Ben Harrison +Jane Shrader +Sarah Woods +Elizabeth McCarthy +Jennifer Scheffer +Sean Tm +Donnie Piercey +James Allen

We received a handful of suggestions and too bad we couldn’t fit everything in a single card. See complete list in no particular order:

  1. Personalized Learning 
  2. Personal Learning Plans
  3. Open Learning Platforms
  4. Student Tech Team
  5. Balanced Use
  6. Google Classroom
  7. Chromebooks
  8. Differentiated Instruction
  9. Learning Management System (LMS)
  10. Blended Learning
  11. SAMR
  12. Google Play
  13. Gamification
  14. Design Thinking
  15. Self Directed Learning
  16. Sketch Notes
  17. MOOC
  18. Future Ready Schools
  19. 3D Printing 
  20. Augmented Reality
  21. Project Based Learning (PBL)
  22. Hour of Code
  23. Maker Spaces
  24. Big Data

The items above were picked based on popularity. Below are the rest of the buzzword suggestions we didn’t include. Maybe create a second card?

  1. Flipped Classroom
  2. Backchannels
  3. Ideation
  4. Spinning
  5. Classroom Management Systems
  6. Digital Disruption
  7. Digital Literacy 
  8. GAFE
  9. Extensions
  10. AddOns
  11. Cybersafety
  12. BYOD
Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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