
AppsEvents launches the ‘AppsEvents Certified Admin’ (ACA) certification for Educators

AppsEvents are delighted to announce today the launch of our ‘AppsEvents Certified Admin’ (ACA) course for Google Apps administrators in schools. Google Apps Admins perform many of the ‘behind the scenes’ tasks such as creating and managing students and teachers. The course is ‘entry level’ and focused on getting people with basic or no admin experience to ‘level up’ and be able to administer a Google Apps Domain. The certification shows you have a basic level of knowledge and enough to be let loose on a live Google Apps domain.

Based on our experience with hosting over 100 ‘in person’ admin sessions at schools across the world we designed the certification to be completely education focused and responsive to the demands of what is actually required to administer a Google Apps domain with teachers and students day in and day out.

It’s equally focused on teaching and non teaching staff and one of the reasons we started the program was to help with the democratization of IT admin and assist more teachers to get involved. During our admin sessions at summits we noticed a couple of similar groups of people attending: Firstly school IT staff who were either relatively new, or who were more experienced but wanted to clarify they had the basics of administration down and hadn’t missed anything important. The second group were teachers who wanted access to the admin control panel, either because they worked in small schools without full time IT departments or were at schools without Google Apps where they wanted to kick start the school ‘going Google’.

We are offering the course in two formats: Online course and one day ‘in person’ course:

The online course, presented by +James Sayer, will be launching on November 15th on our course portal. The course is structured as a series of video lessons, with a self check quiz at the end of each chapter. The assessment is also performed entirely through the online portal and consists of a multiple choice test and a practical exersize on our test Google Apps domain.

Our first live ‘In person’ courses are being held as part of our Arkansas Summit in November and Monterey Bay Summit in February. We are planning one day in person courses across the world in 2015 lead by our fantastic core team including +Allison Mollica in the US, +Dan Leighton +Sarah Woods in Europe and +James Sayer +Lee Webster +Danny Green and +Richard Poth in Asia. To stay updated add your email here.

You can get more detailed information in our FAQ doc and again if you would like to stay informed about updates to the online course, or are interested to host a course at your school please add your email to this form

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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