AppsEvents Newsletter May 2014: Google Apps for Education Events World Update

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AppsEvents is proud to have been producing successful summits in partnership with the Google in Education team across the world since 2011.

The beginning of 2014 was full of ‘firsts’ for us. We started off the year with our first ever Africa events with the Senegal certification bootcamp and East Africa Summit in Tanzania. In February, we held the first ever Spain Summit and in the US had amazing events in Louisiana and Vermont. We are continuously expanding to reach out to even more educators from all corners of the world!

In line with our shared vision of helping individual educators perform better with Google tools, we have created the AppsEvents blog as an avenue for our team of Google Apps experts (and others outside AppsEvents) to share how they use existing Google technologies in their classrooms. If you have an article you would like to share with Google in Education community, please contact us and we will add you as a guest author to the blog.

This first edition of our newsletter is packed with the latest articles from the AppsEvents blog as well as information about some of our speakers and sessions at our upcoming events. We hope you like it!

The AppsEvents Team

Read full newsletter: US version, Europe, Africa, and Asia issue.

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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