Learn about GAFE Literacy Tools at the 2015 Taiwan Google for Education Summit

At the Taiwan Google for Education Summit, attendees can learn about common assistive technology supports (such as text-to-speech, word prediction, text and picture dictionaries and more) and how these can help students who struggle with reading and writing, as well as best practices on integrating assistive technology in a school’s curriculum.

Session attendees will be able to see these assistive technologies in action through Read&Write for Google™, a cloud-based solution that works with Google Documents, Web pages, and other common file types, such as PDF and ePub files on Google Drive. All session attendees will also be given a free copy of the software!

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This session on GAFE Literacy Tools will run on both days of the Taiwan summit (with one of the sessions being delivered in Chinese) and will be headed up by Texthelp Regional Manager, Anita Wu Larmour. Anita has extensive experience as an ELL teacher and has been in the IT industry for 9 years. Her work at Texthelp allows her to fulfill her great passion for informing those who struggle with English literacy, of the various technologies that can support them.

If you are a school looking for a solution to help second language learners build their self-esteem in reading, writing, and communicating in English, the Texthelp session is a perfect opportunity to learn about your options and get your questions answered.

Texthelp’s Chromebook competition

Texthelp will also be running a competition to win a Chromebook at the show. Make sure you attend one of Anita’s session or visit her at the Texthelp stand, to be in with the chance of winning this great prize.

About Texthelp

Texthelp believes that literacy is every student’s passport to academic, social and professional success. From the time the company was first incorporated in 1996, they continue to be one of the market leaders in assistive and language learning software.

Texthelp provide solutions to aid those with literacy difficulties (and English language learners), to read, write, study, and communicate, with greater confidence and independence.

Texthelp’s software is used daily by students and educators in schools, colleges and universities worldwide. It is also licensed by Pearson, HMH, Scholastic and Discovery Education.

Texthelp’s desire to help people communicate is what motivates them to develop smart, friendly support technologies that enable young people to read and write with confidence. Some of these technologies include: the Read&Write family of products, Fluency Tutor for Google, Browsealoud and Professional Solutions.

For more information about the 2015 Taiwan Google for Education summit, visit the official event website at http://taiwan.appsevents.com/. You can also direct your questions to Jane through jane@appsevents.com. For more information about Texthelp please visit http://www.texthelp.com or email Jenny on j.laird@texthelp.com.

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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