
London Google Educator Level 1 and 2 Bootcamp at Google HQ

Level up your G Suite skills with optional EDU Certification from Google!


If you have been using G Suite tools and want to move your use to the next level and become certified too then check out our upcoming Google Certification Bootcamp!

The Google Educator Certification Bootcamp is the fastest track to creating engaging learning experiences in the digital learning environment while becoming an official Google Certified Educator Level 1 or Level 2. 

Want to learn new skills and prove your proficiency? The Google Certified Educator Level 1 Bootcamp prepares you to take Google’s exam by providing pedagogically sound ideas for the use of G Suite in the classroom. 

Achieved Google Certified Educator Level 1 and want to take things up a notch? Attend the AppsEvents Google Certified Educator Level 2 Bootcamp to learn how to take your G Suite usage beyond the core apps.

Attend an AppsEvents Bootcamp if you want to:

  • Understand how to organize your assignments and workflow using Google Classroom and/or Google Forms. 
  • Spend less time on your teaching materials, and make them look better using Google Slides and Google Sites. 
  • Streamline the feedback process using the built-in features like comments, edit suggestions, revision history. Use Google Forms self graded quizzes to save time.
  • Explore add-ons, extensions and apps that allow you to customise the teaching/learning process even further
  • Expand your Personal Learning Network – connect with like-minded educators and EdTech geeks from all over the world

We asked some of our past attendees about what are other key benefits they got after attending one of our  trainings and here are some of our favorites:

“Learning more information than I would off doing it at home. Also others [attendees] asking questions that I did not think off. This allows for valuable input from others as well as some discussion.” – B. Bennett

“Having the time away from my normal job to focus on using Google to improve my teaching with an expert to guide me through it.” – V. Snowball

“Lot’s of new useful information, which can be (and will be!) used in both professional and personal life.” – V. Jakšienė

“To have all the apps covered in a concentrated manner. I have been using some of the apps since Sept. 2016 when our school became GAFE school, so on the one hand I was feeling comfortable during the intensive course, on the other hand I was very happy with my own discoveries – “oh, I didn’t know that was possible” as well as with getting quick answers to the questions that me (as current user) had.” – J. Skupiene

“It challenged me to learn need to tools to become an educational leader in technology“ – J. Edwards

Regular bootcamp ticket price is at £149 (includes Google exam voucher and guaranteed ‘free retake’ PLUS Google gift). 

To ensure the quality of the training, please note that we are limiting the number of registrations. Head on over to https://london.appsevents.com/register and secure your spot ASAP.

Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to welcoming you! 

Check out #GooglePD on Twitter ~ you’ll see this is an educational event NOT TO MISS!




Appsevents consists of a core team that works remotely across the world. A number of world class trainers with a history of innovation in the classroom make up the rest of the team at Google for Education summits and bootcamps.

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