
Seattle Google Educator Level 1 and 2 Bootcamp – March 2020

Level up your G Suite skills with optional EDU Certification from Google!


If you have been using G Suite tools and want to move your use to the next level and become certified too, then check out our upcoming Google Certification Bootcamps hosted by the White River School District on March 13 & 14, 2020!

The Google Educator Certification Bootcamp is the fastest track to creating engaging learning experiences in the digital learning environment while becoming an official Google Certified Educator. 

What is a Bootcamp? 

Google offers a series of certifications for educators including Google Educator Level 1, Google Educator Level 2, Google Certified Trainer and Google Certified Innovator. A ‘bootcamp’ is a one day of training by a highly qualified certified trainer to assist teachers in becoming proficient in using G Suite core tools.

Why should I attend? 

This competency based training consists of a series of hands on activities that can be applied immediately in professional life and classroom. All skills learned will complement Google’s Educator L1 and L2 Certification Exam requirements to prepare delegates for success on the exam. The program is engaging and a lot of fun as well.

All bootcamp attendees will be provided with a voucher to take the exam for FREE and exams are taken independently after the course. However, you may opt to take the certification exam at a later date if you feel that you need more time to prepare. 

Many that attend our training quickly become Google Certified Educators and are qualified to become Google Certified Trainers or Innovators. 

To ensure the quality of the training, please note that we are limiting the number of registrations so  register now before we sell out! 



Appsevents consists of a core team that works remotely across the world. A number of world class trainers with a history of innovation in the classroom make up the rest of the team at Google for Education summits and bootcamps.

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