
Virtual Google for Education Summit hosted at American School London

A virtual educational summit featuring Google for Education was hosted by the American School London last November 8, 2020, with a series of workshops throughout the day led by highly acclaimed Google Certified Trainers and Educators.

The goal of the virtual summit is to help administrators, educators, specialists, and assistants/paraprofessionals learn how to use the tools for productivity and/or in innovative ways to engage learners to be successful in achieving competency in all areas of the curriculum.


Learning with VR and AR

Using AR and VR technology to provide synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities for students and teachers. Explore the options for developing content in AR and VR through apps like CoSpaces, Tour Creato, Thinglink, and many more.


Making Seesaw really works for you as a teacher and for your students. How can I move from a ‘scrapbook’ approach to a meaningful portfolio to document students’ learning? Come along and find out more!

G Suite for Little Learners (K-2)

Spend time in this session focusing on the ways G Suite can be used in the K-2 Classroom to support learner development and save hard-working busy teachers time.



Appsevents consists of a core team that works remotely across the world. A number of world class trainers with a history of innovation in the classroom make up the rest of the team at Google for Education summits and bootcamps.

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