What is ISTE Certification?​

ISTE Certification for Educators is the only vendor-neutral, internationally recognized credential for educators who have demonstrated mastery of the ISTE Standards for Educators. ISTE Certification focuses on pedagogy, not on tools or devices, and is designed to change your educational practice, whether you’re a classroom teacher, instructional designer, library media specialist, technology coach or in another role. The program combines 14 weeks of professional learning with a six-month portfolio application and review process, and recipients can apply to receive up to four graduate-level credits for their participation. Is it rigorous? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes!

What makes ISTE Certification unique?

  • Focus on pedagogy: ISTE Certification prioritizes pedagogy over learning specific tools or devices and is designed to change your practice.
  • Credible design: ISTE Certification is grounded in the ISTE Standards for Educators and is facilitated by ISTE Certified Trainers who are vetted and trained by ISTE, are experts in their field and who have demonstrated a deep understanding of the ISTE Standards in practice.
  • Rigor: The program involves 14 weeks of online learning, followed by up to six months to apply learning and develop job-embedded artifacts for portfolio submission. Participants can apply for up to four graduate-level credits.
  • Outcomes: ISTE Certified Educators are prepared to model effective practice for others in their schools.
  • Lifelong community: ISTE Certified Educators join a global community of educators dedicated to supporting each other as they put the Educator Standards into practice.

Steps to becoming an ISTE Certified Educator

Program Kickoff

The structure of the fully online ISTE Certified Educator Course is to blend dynamic synchronous sessions with adequate time for independent and group asynchronous work in between. The 14 week course is designed to prepare you to work on your portfolio independently (but with support from ISTE and AppsEDU Trainers).
Currently only Online Certifications are being offered due to the Pandemic. Sign up for fully online training with AppsEDU. Join an upcoming cohort or request to host one for your school/district.

Online Learning

The 14 Week Online Course comprises 5 Synchronous sessions of 2 hours each. There are two weeks in between synchronous sessions during which there is 6-8 hours of asynchronous work.

Combined with offline work you should expect to spend approximately 40 hours in total on the 14 week online course. Actual time will vary depending on our prior experience with technology integration frameworks introduced and ISTE Standards.

Download the syllabus for full details.

Part 2: Curation and Submission of Portfolio

After successful completion of the online learning program, you’ll have six months to prepare and submit a full portfolio, which typically takes about 40 hours to curate. During the process, you can access a certification portal with support resources, as well as a community of others seeking the ISTE Certification. Once submitted, a team of trained evaluators will review your portfolio. Successfully meet the criteria and you’ll become an ISTE Certified Educator!

Are you ready to be an ISTE Certified Educator?

Ask yourself these questions to determine if you’re ready to become ISTE Certified.

Do you have the time?

ISTE Certification for Educators requires a 40-hour commitment to professional learning over 14 weeks that prepares you to use the ISTE Standards for Educators in practice. You’ll then have up to six months to submit a portfolio showcasing your knowledge. This independent work is designed to stretch your instruction. Most ISTE Certified Educators spend about 40 hours curating their portfolio for submission.

Do you have the skills needed?

Successful candidates are:

  • Comfortable using technology in instruction.
  • Self-motivated and have good time-management skills.
  • Experienced learning online using an LMS.
  • Excited to learn with like-minded educators.

Are you familiar with the ISTE Standards?

A basic understanding of the ISTE Standards for Students and the ISTE Standards for Educators is helpful.

Are you committed?

ISTE Certification is designed to bring transformative change to your classroom or school. The program is rigorous, competency-based and requires documentation. Change in practice takes hard work, but it’s worth it!

AppsEDU has been selected as an international ‘ISTE Certification Authorised Provider’ and has 10 years of experience producing bespoke PD for schools. We put extensive work into making our courses fun and engaging, and develop and constantly refine our curriculum. Our attendees consistently rank our PD as the best they have ever attended.

Meet our Trainers

Why get ISTE certified?

ISTE Certification challenges you to stretch yourself as an educator and positions you as an expert among your colleagues. Becoming ISTE certified:

With your certification in hand, you’ll earn the international recognition you deserve for your technology leadership skills. And you’ll be prepared to support your teacher network in integrating tech for all of the right reasons!

Who is it for?

  • Teachers
  • Subject specialists
  • Coaches
  • EdTech staff
  • Librarians
  • Administrators
  • School Leadership


Our online program costs just $999 per person and that includes the entire course, comprehensive support at all stages, and ISTE certification fees.

All job roles from International Schools have become ISTE certified, including teachers, subject specialists, coaches, EdTech staff, librarians, administrators and school leadership.

We are proud to say we have some of the highest rated education technology trainers in the world. All are current or former International School tech leaders.

If you are able to attend in-person events we are still running the course live. In this case, the 4 x 2 hour webinars and related asynchronous tasks would all be replaced by a 2-day in-person course. We can come to your school to run or host off-site at a hotel close by. In the event of any COVID changes in your area, we can move this to the online version instantly.

Yes please get in touch we’ll give you all the info and show you the benefits for your staff and school as a whole.

You can leave your details at https://appsevents.com/host

If you would like to schedule a Meet/Zoom call, we will give you all the information about the ISTE certification and standards free of charge. Whether you pursue the certification or not you will leave the call better educated on the ISTE standards and certifications. Just book a time here: calendly.com/appsevents