Images in Frozen Sections in Google Sheets, Classroom Mobile App, Google Translate and More

Great resource links, tips, news, and updates shared by our Google+ community members from January 12 to 18, 2015.

Images in frozen sections in Google
People using Google Sheets will now be able to add images to frozen sections. This is helpful for prettying up invoices, reports and other spreadsheets where you want to feature a logo or image. h/t +Ben Rouse 
A Classroom mobile app and new teacher
Google recently launched a native Classroom mobile app for both Android and iOS (also available in Google Play for Education) to help teachers and students connect from wherever they are, and save even more paper and time. They are also launching two new features to help teachers stay organized as they head into the second half of the year: a teacher assignments page and the ability to archive classes. h/t +Angie Sutherland +Allison Mollica 
Choice Eliminator
Choice Eliminator now supports the ability to set how many times a choice get selected before it is eliminated. h/t +Bjorn Behrendt 
Inside Google
Whether you’re deciphering a sign in Rio de Janeiro or negotiating with a shop owner in Berlin, Google Translate can be your guide. Starting today, you can instantly translate signs using your phone’s camera and the Translate app, available on Android and iOS.
Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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