Organize Gmail with Sortd, Add Image to Gmail Signature from Google Drive, and More

Great resource links, tips, news, and updates shared by our Google+ community members from December 22, 2014 to January 4, 2015.

Sortd Intro

Sortd transforms the way you work with email. It brings your email conversations, your tasks and your priorities together in one intuitive workspace, and works right inside Gmail! H/T +Samantha Vardanega

Add image to Gmail signature from Google

It is now easier to add images to Gmail signatures on the web by enabling the option to choose and display images from Google Drive. H/T +Asher Maslan


Vidmaker has just been bought by Google to work on YouTube. If they bring all these features to YouTube, then Video Editing is another item we can tick off the Chrome OS tick sheet. Great find +Peter J. Moran

The video below is a walk-through of Vidmaker’s video editing capabilities.

+Dan Taylor shared a fascinating article in the Christmas edition of The Economist about the growth of International Schools worldwide.

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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