Great Geo Game for Grades, Two Powerful Google Drive Tools for Signing Your Docs and PDFs, and More

Great resource links, tips, news, and updates shared by our Google+ community members from March 9 to March 15, 2015.
Smarty Pins makes geography fun with gamified trivia using Google Maps. The game asks location-based questions. Drop a pin on the map as close to the correct answer as possible. The farther away you are, the more miles it deducts from your score. Earn extra credit miles for answering quickly. Topics include Arts & Culture, Science & Geography, Sports & Games and more. I’m using this one in class today. H/T +Allison Mollica 
There are several tools out there that claim to help users add electronic signature to their documents and PDFs but only a select few are really worth the try. The following recommendations are among the best Chrome tools teachers can use to electronically sign their documents. h/t +Lee Webster 
g(Math) is now fixed!
For the past few days or so g(Math) has been mostly broken. This was due to an update that Google made that affected almost all Add-ons. The good news is now all flavors of g(Math) should be working! Shared by +John McGowan 
Google Docs
Want to link to a specific section of a document? Insert a bookmark then copy and share the URL. 
Mute Messages in Inbox
Looking to mute messages so that new replies don’t pop up in your inbox again? On mobile, just press and hold Done. On web, use the keyboard shortcut “m”. Here’s how you can enable keyboard shortcuts:
+Adam Vardanega originally shared: Very impressed with this Chrome and Google Drive extension. Gives the user the ability to annotate and highlight PDF documents in drive or on your computer. Great for reviewing articles. Also includes a collaboration feature so many users can add annotations and partake in discussion about the article being read. Well done Notable PDF!
Twitter in a Google
Richard Poth originally shared: Twitter in a Google Document. A great add on for those that want a twitter feed while using a Google Doc.
Article on “Google Apps” by +Teresa Almeida d’Eca based on her Google Portugal Summit presentation published in the TESOL CALL-IS newsletter, March 2015 issue.
Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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