Multitasking on your Chromebook, edit text inside image, demo slams and more

Below are the tops shares from our Google+ community last week.


Multitasking on your Chromebook just got easier

You can now dock any small window, like Hangouts or Google Keep, to the side of your screen by dragging it to the left or right edge. Your main app will resize automatically, letting you take notes or stay connected all in one view. Just restart your Chromebook and give it a try?

This Chrome add-on lets you copy and erase text inside any image on the web –

What would you say if we told you that it’s possible to copy, translate, edit and even erase the text inside any image you find on the internet? Well, you can, and it’s a lot easier than you might think. All it requires is a new browser extension, called Project Naptha, made by developer Kevin Kwok.

Found by +Chad Kafka

Go back in time with Street View –

You’ll be able to go back in time with #StreetView to see seasons turn, towers rise, and the world change in #GoogleMaps.

Shared via +Agnes Demangeon 

The Demo Slam sessions are a group of educators from around the world who get together once a month and compete against each other by doing a demo slam on any Google Product. #fanoftheslam

Each person has a 3 minute time limit and after the viewers vote to pick their favourite. If you want to see where all the old SLAM sessions are, check out +Lee Webster  YouTube channel – this also has all the Q&A sessions too – great for teachers PD – please share and subscribe.


We encourage exchanging of ideas in our Google+ community. So if you have questions about a particular Google technology, how other schools are implementing Google Apps, or any other concerns, feel free to post and ask for ideas from fellow educators all around the world. Below are top discussions from the past weeks:

From +Shawn Skalinski:

“Can someone help explain this..I’ve gone over this with my IT guy here at our school and we can’t quite figure this one out.  Here it is:  
1) What is the difference between ‘moving a file on Google Drive’ and ‘organising‘ a file?
2)My situation:
I created a Google Presentation and gave students viewing privileges.  They made copies and shared these with me.”

Read more.

From +David Mireles:

“Organizing our first school #GAFE #demoslam today.  Looking for a few simple guidelines.   Many teachers interested in slamming at our school.  Please comment…?”

Join the discussion here.

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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