Track Student Search Activities Using gScholar, 100 Hangouts On Air, and More

Here’s our weekly round up of top articles, resources, and discussions shared in our Google+ community. Don’t forget to join if you aren’t in yet.

Top Articles/Resources

Track Student Search Activities Using

Ever wonder what your students search for? gScholar audits every Google Search that your students perform, instantly click the eye icon to perform the same search.  The best part is…. these information are saved so you can always go back in time if there is ever and incident or reason you need to view what someone searched for on a given day.

Track Student Search Activities Using gScholar
Screenshot via +Aaron Gumz 

Great share by +Aaron Gumz

How to Receive Files in your Google Drive from

Do you need a public drop box (not Dropbox) where people can upload files anonymously? In this tutorial, learn how to receive files in your Google Drive from anyone, even those without a gmail account.

Shared via +Chad Kafka

#ThailandOnly 100 Hangouts On Air

Tune in next Saturday when the Google Slam Team do a Slam special for #Thailandonly 100 hangouts on Air 9:00pm BKK time – not to be missed #fanoftheslam.

Exciting slam session by +Lee Webster and his Google Slam community.

Digital Safety and Other  Resources

Check this Digital Safety Resources to help parents utilize Google Chrome and Apple devices in a safer way for students! And for anyone looking to help fellow educators, administrators, and parents learn to use Google Chrome and Google Apps to augment their students learning and protect them online, please check out the tutorials in these YouTube videos.

Thank you  +Sam Rosenfeld for these resources.

Top Discussion

By +Alice Bair : “AT the Charlottesville GAFE summit, several people mentioned using Doctopus for managing student/teacher files. Just wondered if any of you had handouts or advice on how you use it in your school districts.”

Join the discussion here.

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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