
Using Hangouts On Air in You Tube for Instant Broadcast

Often folks think that HOA are used only G+ but really you can create, broadcast and edit all within your YouTube account!  Just go to ‘upload’ and you’ll find the link to create a HOA.  Instructions are included on how to verify your YouTube account (must be done in order to broadcast HOA.  I’ll model a HOA in this video as well.  It is really easy and with a little practice you can post many tutorials and tips for your students to access throughout your course.  This is an excellent tool for blended learning, flipped classrooms and virtual teachers!  Have fun creating your own Hangout on Air!  🙂

About the Contributor

Allison Mollica | Google Certified Education Trainer
Google Certified Innovator | Google Apps Certified Admin

Allison Mollica has all the Google Edu Certifications ~ Trainer, Innovator & Administrator.  She is has been a teacher and an EDU technology coach for 18 years. Currently, Allison is a Virtual Instructor of Computers and Web Design at VLACS and a global educational tech leader, facilitator & enthusiast!

Connect with +Allison Mollica on Google+

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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