
Treasure Trove ‘Cloud Camps’ Now offered through Apps Events with Allison Mollica

Google Apps are a treasure trove of opportunity. Google Mail, Drive, and Sites are just the tip of the iceberg in Google Apps for Education.   There are so many undiscovered uses and applications that are available through that one Google account.  

This past year while working with AppsEvents and facilitating sessions at Google for Education Summits, I have developed a ‘curriculum’ called ‘Treasure Trove of Google Tools for Schools.”

The focus is on ‘application’ for each of these gems so you can ‘level up’ even if you are just a beginner or add another tip/use to your toolbox if you are already ‘cruising.’

Thanks to all the feedback and support I am very proud to announce that I have partnered with AppsEvents to deliver this training world~wide in the form of ‘Cloud Camps’.  If you are interested in hosting a training please contact AppsEvents and they will handle all the arrangements with you so I can focus on delivering a successful training / workshop for you.  ~ Allison

treasure trove chest of google toolsWe proudly offer a deeper look into the existing tools with our popular ‘TreasureTrove of Google Tools for Schools’ sessions. The Treasure Trove is a series of sessions staged at our summits and developed by AppsEvents core team member Allison Mollica. These lessons keep the beginner in mind while providing those ready to ‘level’ up with unique uses and tips for using Google apps in the classroom, organization, for productivity or collaboration.

We are offering these sessions both as summit sessions, and as a stand alone one-two day ‘Cloud Camp’ event for schools who are interested in a more intense, focused training of Google Apps for their staff.

If you are in the New England area, please join us in Greenwich on June 21-22 for the Connecticut Google for Education Summit

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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