New ‘Featured Speaker’ Badge Announced for Regular Summit Speakers

Currently all speakers at AppsEvents summits can use the electronic ‘Summit Speaker’ badge and in addition we are delighted to announce today the new ‘Featured Speaker’ badge for regular presenters.

All speakers who have presented three or more summit sessions are eligible to use the new badge and in addition can use it as soon as their third session is confirmed by +Guen Sayson and +Allison Mollica. The badge can be used on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, personal website/blog, school website, presentation and email signature.

Our first batch of ‘physical’ metal lapel badges disappeared pretty quickly on our Asian summit tour but we have placed a large second order, so all 2015 speakers and featured speakers will also receive a metal lapel speakers badge going forward.

Thanks again to our amazing speakers in September. We had a record seven summits in September 2014 year and truly some world class presenters including +Robert Appino +Gary Johnston +Paul Swanson +Bach Quang Thai +Nguyen Dinh Khanh +Davis Apas +James Abela +Louise Griffin +Ark Osias +Sean Thompson +Diane Therrien +Wesley Przybylski +Supatida Prompayuck +Michael Clifford +Phillip Cowell  +Janice Dwyer +James Haworth +Mandy Hollingshead +Jason Prohaska +Patrick Frerking +Stijn Michels +Tim Bleazard  +David Hellam +Daren Schuettpelz +Huig Ouwehand  +Alyssa Roy +Sarah Woods +Allison Mollica +James Sayer +Lee Webster +Rowland Baker +Ben Rouse +Aaron Tyo-Dickerson +Danny Green +Dan Leighton +Emmy Leleu +David Elliott +Stu Lowe +Richard Poth +Mike. Yung +Anita Chen +Chad Griffiths +Lenva Shearing +Thiliepan Selvarajah +John McGowan  and many many more so apologies for all the ones I left out!

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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