
Cattura Video Partners with AppsEvents for 2015

Cattura Video is excited to be a sponsor of AppEvents for 2015 and to share their new Google powered video platform, the Learning Engine, with Google Educators. The Learning Engine gives teachers the tools to centralize, organize, enrich, and index their YouTube videos for students without the clutter, adverts, unrelated videos and distraction found on public YouTube. The Learning Engine is the premier solution for Google educators seeking to streamline lecture capture, flipped classroom, MOOCs, SPOC’s and other distant learning video solutions.
Teachers can easily capture, import, manage, share, and deliver educational videos to students directly inside a campus learning management system like Canvas, Schoology, Moodle, Blackboard, Pearson Learning and more. Teachers can create new videos using Cattura’s recording app or easily import existing videos directly from YouTube. Students can browse, search, discover, and interact with rich educational videos directly inside their assigned courses, keeping them locked in and engaged. Students can perform deep video searches across the entire course video library or individual video timelines for data associated to keywords, teacher notes, video chapters, and spoken word from closed captions so students quickly find what’s important to them. Student demand for video can be easily met using the Learning Engine and Cattura’s deeply integrated Google tools.

Cattura is offering free 30 day trials for campuses seeking a fully integrated solution for lecture capture, flipped content, MOOCs or other remote video learning solutions. It takes less than 10 minutes to set up and gives your entire campus the ability to create powerful video solutions for students. The team at Cattura Video will be touring with AppEvents in 2015 demonstrating this new Google powered video platform and their new Chrome screen and web camera recording app. Check out “Video Made Simple” at the Summit sessions to learn more about these platform and services, as well as learning some great tips and tricks for YouTube and other Google driven video tools.

Learn more at https://catturavideo.com/faculty-and-students

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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