
European Google Apps for Education Summit

by +Cary Hart

This past weekend I was lucky enough to present a session at the European Google Apps for Education Summit.

I presented a beginner level session on getting started with Google Docs in the primary classroom. It was just the basics of Google Docs with a bit about how I introduce it to students as well as ideas for how to use Docs.

I was a bit worried when I first started that the session was too basic, but when teachers started asking me follow up questions I realized that for at least some in the room, it was exactly where it needed to be.

I received good feedback when I finished from several teachers who thanked me, saying that they had never been shown the basics and they were glad that I did a session on it. Luckily for them it was the first session of the day as well so they were able to get off to a good start.

The rest of the weekend was a great networking weekend for me. There was a large group from Munich who I had met at the ECIS Tech conference. It was nice to see people again, reconnect and share ideas.

Overall it was a great weekend and as this is my third presenting session, it has encouraged me to apply for more of them in the future. I have had a great time doing them and I hope that teachers had a great time learning in them.

Republished with permission via www.caryghart.com

About the Contributor

Cary Hart
ACS International Schools Ltd., Lower School Integrationist

I have been the lower school IT integrationist for the last three years but I have been interested in using tech in the classroom since I began teaching. We are a 1:1 iPad school from G3-12 , 2:1 in Grades 1 & 2 and class sets in the early years. Feel free to come and talk about how that roll out process has gone! We are also a Google school so I am happy to discuss how we use Google Apps in our everyday lives at the school. I am excited to continue to look at ways to use technology in the classroom in a more authentic way.

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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