
2017 British Isles #GIESummit Highlights

Our first ever Google for Education event in the British Isles hosted by the Les Beaucamp High School has become one of most memorable training events we’ve done this year.

From being advertised as Professional Development for educators and school staff, the summit transitioned to become a community involved event.

In a press release posted by the State of Guernsey, Andrea Dudley-Owen from the Committee for Education, Sport and Culture was thrilled and hopeful that the summit would put Guernsey on the global map as a “digitally competent jurisdiction”. Here’s some of the event highlights.

If you haven’t been to an AppsEvents Google Summit before, check out our summit videos.

Thanks, as always, for your support. Don’t forget to check out our upcoming events over on our website. We can’t wait to see you at an event in 2017!

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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