
Doodle for Google ~ Great Creative & Artistic Opportunity for All Ages!

Doodle 4 Google

Have you heard of Doodle for Google?

Maybe no, maybe so. Maybe you know someone who won or maybe you are a previous winner! There are grade level categories with state/territory winners, national finalists and 1 national ‘winner.’

All the winning finalists will get some great Googly swag and have their Doodle Entry featured in the gallery. The 5 national finalists (1 from each grade group) also earn a $5000 college scholarship & a trip to Googleplex in Mountain View (I’ve been there and it is AMAZING!). The national grande prize winner will be awarded a $30,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 technology award to his/her school of choice (incentive for you to encourage your budding artists 😉

Please, please encourage your creative, artistic students who may scribble and sketch as their hobby and possess great talent! Send a note, email, add to your site or blog!

The deadline is March 2, 2018.

There’s still time! https://doodles.google.com/d4g/index.html

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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