
2019 London Google Educator L1/L2 Bootcamp – Highlights

Google offers a series of certifications for educators including Google Educator Level 1, Google Educator Level 2, Google Certified Trainer and Google Certified Innovator. A ‘bootcamp’ is one day of training by a highly qualified certified trainer to assist teachers in becoming proficient in using G Suite core tools.

The London Google Educator Bootcamp is a competency based training consists of a series of hands on activities that can be applied immediately in professional life and classroom. All skills learned will complement Google’s Educator L1 and L2 Certification Exam requirements to prepare delegates for success on the exam. The program is engaging and a lot of fun as well.

Bring the Google PD Experience to our School or District

Do you need more training on how to teach online and offline with Google for Education tools and get certified too? Join our live online bootcamps. There are new cohorts starting every month and two choices for start time for each to suit all time zones. Please visit https://appsevents.com/online

To get more information about hosting an in-person/virtual Google for EDU training for your teachers and staff, please fill out the form at https://appsevents.com/inquire-now/.



Appsevents consists of a core team that works remotely across the world. A number of world class trainers with a history of innovation in the classroom make up the rest of the team at Google for Education summits and bootcamps.

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