
[Change the Game] Help students change the game

Are you ready to Change the Game? Because with your help, your students can now build mobile games, instead of just play them.

You may or may not know this, but 49% of mobile gamers in the US are women, but only comprise 28% of the gaming industry. Something is wrong with that picture and we’re aiming to change it with your help. Change the Game Design Challenge is a Google Play program in partnership with Girls Make Games to make mobile gaming truly inclusive by introducing a possible career in gaming to young women at an early age and empowering the next generation of Game Changers.

By exciting your students about the world of mobile casinos gaming, you have the power to open new doors to a career they may have never thought possible. And in doing so, you and your students can fuel a movement to reshape an industry. You only have to look to last year’s winners now actively pursuing gaming careers and education to get a sense of the success we can keep building upon. Together, we can do this. Together, we can Change the Game.

This is our invitation to get your students in the game. Coding and gaming experience is welcome but in no way needed to participate. As long as they have an imagination and can write out their vision, they can enter. The grand prize winner will receive a $15,000 college scholarship and $10,000 tech donation to their school. Five finalists will have their game made and launched on the Google Play Store for everyone to play. Winners also get a VIP trip to showcase their game design at a special event, receive mentorship from leaders in the industry, and join the celebration of women in gaming.

Keep reading, there’s more.

As partners, we want to help your students to rise to the top. That’s why we’ve included downloadable attachments containing classroom activity materials and exercises to take into school and help get the ideas flowing. A future game designer may be in your classroom!

Please visit g.co/ctgdesignchallenge for more info. For any questions please email changethegame-contact@google.com.

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The team at Google Play – Change The Game

Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

Helping schools get the most out of Google for EDU.

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