
Back to school | Virtual Summit featuring Google Workspace for Education – August 30, 2022

Join us as we hear from educators across the globe discussing Back to school”.

Sessions are as follows:

‘Using Chromebooks in the classroom effectively’

Speaker: Francesca Bury

In this session, I will offer practical ideas for managing chromebook learning in the classroom with students 1:1 on devices. I will go through my favourite apps for engagement and also practical processes within class management and routines. You will come away with engaging tasks, templates and a clear idea of how to use chromebooks in the classroom effectively.

‘Interactive Slides – Activities for Back to School’

Speaker: Katie Steen

Google Slides is an amazing presentation tool, but it can do so much more than that! In this session we will look at some collaborative and interactive ways to use Google Slides to get students engaged as you go back to school.

‘Getting to know your class (and a whole lot more! 😉)’

Speaker: Beth Evan

Get to know your new class using the magic of Jamboard and Forms! In this session I will show you how to create some simple but effective Jamboards to gather info, along with using Forms to get your students moving around the classroom on an information adventure!



Appsevents consists of a core team that works remotely across the world. A number of world class trainers with a history of innovation in the classroom make up the rest of the team at Google for Education summits and bootcamps.

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