
Google Educator Level 1 and 2 Bootcamps – Seattle – March 13&14, 2020

We hope you will join us this March 13 and 14, 2020 for a Google Certified Educator workshop hosted by the White River School District.

Based on numerous successful engagements running the certification course with schools and colleges worldwide, we have developed what we feel is the optimum process to help get candidates through the certification process quickly and successfully.

Many that attend our Certification Bootcamps quickly become Google Certified Educators and are qualified to become Certified Trainers and/or Innovators. But aside from helping you pass the certification exams, attending an AppsEvents Certification Bootcamp also gives you practical tips and tricks to help you get more from G Suite and other Google tools!

We asked some of our bootcamp attendees about what are other key benefits they got after attending one of our pre-certification training and here are some of our favorites:

“Learning more information than I would off doing it at home. Also others [attendees] asking questions that I did not think off. This allows for valuable input from others as well as some discussion.” – B. Bennett, South NL Bootcamp

“Having the time away from my normal job to focus on using Google to improve my teaching with an expert to guide me through it.” – V. Snowball,  Sheffield Bootcamp

“Lot’s of new useful information, which can be (and will be) used in both professional and personal life.” – V. Jakšienė, Lithuania Bootcamp

“To have all the apps covered in a concentrated manner. I have been using some of the apps since Sept. 2016 when our school became GAFE school, so on the one hand I was feeling comfortable during the intensive course, on the other hand I was very happy with my own discoveries – “oh, I didn’t know that was possible” as well as with getting quick answers to the questions that me (as current user) had.” – J. Skupiene, Lithuania Bootcamp

Ready to be certified? Visit https://appsevents.com/seattle20 to register for the bootcamp!



Appsevents consists of a core team that works remotely across the world. A number of world class trainers with a history of innovation in the classroom make up the rest of the team at Google for Education summits and bootcamps.

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