
Myanmar Google Educator Level 2 Certification Bootcamp

For those who have achieved Google Certified Educator Level 1 and want to take things up a notch, the Myanmar Google Certified Educator Level 2 Bootcamp on 21 – 22 September bootcamp helps attendees to learn how to take your G Suite usage beyond the core apps. You’ll get experience with add-ons and extensions as well as expanding your knowledge of YouTube, Blogger and more. Voucher codes are also provided so that attendees can take the Google Educator Level 2 exam for free!

Want to get your teachers to become Google Certified? Get in touch to learn about bringing the Google PD experience to your school or district.





Appsevents consists of a core team that works remotely across the world. A number of world class trainers with a history of innovation in the classroom make up the rest of the team at Google for Education summits and bootcamps.

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