
Get a jump start on the 20/21 school year with relevant and engaging PD that you can put to use right away!

Are you using G Suite for your class and organization? Do you want to get up to speed with the basics or advance tips and tricks for Drive, Sheets, Forms, Sites, or Google Classroom? Do you want to learn the latest technologies within the education sector and put them to use the next day? Do you want to experience fun and meaningful PD?

If you have been using G Suite tools and want to move your use to the next level and become certified too, then check out our upcoming Google Educator Certification Bootcamps hosted by Christian International School of Prague.

You can opt to attend the Saturday training only or both training and exam day!

The bootcamp is a whole day of training focused on developing core competencies utilizing G Suite as an educator to improve learning and communication. Leave fully prepared to successfully complete the L1 educator exam.


1-Day Level 1 Bootcamp: €149 | Register here

2-Day Level 1 Bootcamp: €199 | Register here

What is a Bootcamp? 

Google offers a series of certifications for educators including Google Educator Level 1, Google Educator Level 2, Google Certified Trainer and Google Certified Innovator. A ‘bootcamp’ is one day of training by a highly qualified Certified Trainer to assist teachers in becoming proficient in using G Suite core tools.

Why should I attend? 

This competency based training consists of a series of hands on activities that can be applied immediately in professional life and classroom. All skills learned will complement Google’s Educator L1 Certification Exam requirements to prepare delegates for success on the exam. The program is engaging and a lot of fun as well.

What attendees say

We asked some of our past attendees about what are other key benefits they got after attending one of our  trainings and here are some of our favorites:

“It felt like we covered a lot, but it was also fun – light-hearted atmosphere.” H. Gorman

“Very hands-on. Plenty time to have a play with the new things we learned.” – E.Blackstock

“Having the opportunity to explore the apps and activities with someone knowledgeable present.” – K. Feeley

“Learning more information than I would of doing it at home. Also others [attendees] asking questions that I did not think off. This allows for valuable input & discussion.” – B. Bennett

“Having the time away from my normal job to focus on using Google to improve my teaching with an expert to guide me through it.” – V. Snowball

“Lot’s of new useful information, which can be (and will be!) used in both professional and personal life.” – V. Jakšienė

All bootcamp attendees will be provided with a voucher to take the exam for FREE and exams are taken independently after the course. However, you may opt to take the certification exam at a later date if you feel that you need more time to prepare. Level 2 Bootcamp is also available in November!

Many that attend our training quickly become Google Certified Educators and are qualified to become Google Certified Trainers or Innovators. 

To ensure the quality of the training, please note that we are limiting the number of registrations. Sign up here.



Appsevents consists of a core team that works remotely across the world. A number of world class trainers with a history of innovation in the classroom make up the rest of the team at Google for Education summits and bootcamps.

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