
Serbia Google Educator Level 1 Bootcamp

Get Certified

Want to learn new skills and prove your proficiency? The Google Certified Educator Level 1 Bootcamp prepares you to take Google’s exam by providing pedagogically sound ideas for the use of G Suite in the classroom. You’ll leave with new ideas for using tools across the suite including Google Classroom, Forms, Docs, Sheets, YouTube and more! We’ll provide a voucher code so that you can take the exam for free!

Register here: https://belgrade.appsevents.com/

Graduate Credit Add On

In partnership with Ed Technology Specialists, this hybrid course drives students to apply the digital skills they learned to ignite learning and communication in their practice.  Students will first complete an in-person “bootcamp” with AppsEvents. They will become Google Educator L1 or L2 upon completion. Then, they will finish up an online graduate credit component.  Students will create a capstone project that demonstrates proficiency of various Google tools, including but not limited to Drive, Docs, Sheets, Forms, Youtube, Sites, Classroom, Slides, Meet, and others. The project will demonstrate how these tools will ignite learning and communication with students or parents, or both.

Course Objectives:

  • Teachers will complete a Google Educator L1 or L2 Day Bootcamp to practice core competencies of using G Suite tools in a learning environment.
  • Teachers will evaluate key features of core G Suite tools that can increase productivity, communication, collaboration and engagement for learning and produce artifacts as evidence.
  • Teachers will successfully complete the Google Educator L1 or L2 Certification Exam.
  • Teachers will design a cumulative learning or productivity projects that integrates at least three tools. 


Appsevents consists of a core team that works remotely across the world. A number of world class trainers with a history of innovation in the classroom make up the rest of the team at Google for Education summits and bootcamps.

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