
Speakers Showcase for Peru Google for Education Summit

Google for Education Summits run by AppsEvents in partnership with Acer are fun, high energy, two-day events where teachers and trainers who are Google for Education experts run sessions for educators on the best use of Google tools across schools. Our attendees are a cross-section of teachers, IT staff, support staff, and school leadership.

Our global team collaborates on all events and we attract speakers from all corners of the globe! Whether you are looking to gain your Google Educator certification, learn about a G Suite tool you have never used, or implement transformation technology for learning across your organization we have it covered.

Highlighted Speakers:

Ryan Persaud

Director of IT and Innovation, International School of Curitiba

My name is Ryan Persaud and I originally hail from Toronto, Canada.  Before teaching internationally, I spent a decade teaching in Ontario.  There I taught a variety of technology and business related courses, and I was a teacher coach as well.  My first international post was in South Korea where I taught and worked in curriculum and technology. I currently live in Curitiba, Brazil and am the Director of IT and Innovation at the International School of Curitiba. Although I work in IT, the foundation for my leadership is building solid relationships; I am a people person at heart. Some of my hobbies include exercise, cooking, traveling with my family, and of course learning about all things Google!

Allison Mollica

AppsEvents USA Director

Allison Mollica has a background in both business and education with a M. Ed. (Technology in Education) and an Advanced Professional Certificate (Online Teaching) from Lesley University. Currently a Virtual Instructor at NH’s Virtual Learning Academy (a public 100% online school for grades 6-12), Allison has spent most of her 20 years in education helping teachers employ strategies using technology to create rich and engaging learning environments and finding happiness using technology in the classroom! Allison became passionate about the solutions Google Apps for Education offered within her own context, became a Google Certified Trainer & Educator in 2011, Administrator in 2013, and Innovator in 2014 holding all EDU Certifications through Google Edu.

For complete agenda and speaker list please visit our website at the link below.


See you in Peru!



Appsevents consists of a core team that works remotely across the world. A number of world class trainers with a history of innovation in the classroom make up the rest of the team at Google for Education summits and bootcamps.

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