A conversation with author Philippa Wraithmell

Join the conversation with Philippa as she talks about her new book The Digital Ecosystem ( How to create a sustainable digital strategy for your school). Philippa shares her insights and expertise on her books areas of focus from digital governance, safeguarding, developing a digital pedagogy, and how the changing world, current pandemic, and lessons […]
A conversation with Katherine Prince, Vice President, Strategic Foresight KnowledgeWorks

Katherine will share about KnowledgeWorks’ efforts to spark new thinking about ways to prepare students for an uncertain future — and what that future might hold. Katherine will describe KnowledgeWorks, speak to the organization’s future-oriented research into various focus areas tied to education, and describe some of the patterns of change and learnings she and […]
Denry Machin returns to the podcast to talk about the business of international schools

Dan chats to Denry about the business side of international schools…. How do the 80% or international schools that are ‘for profit’ operate and what accounts for the massive growth in the sector. This was a fascinating discussion about a topic that many teachers have not heard about Dr Denry Machin on Social Media […]
A conversation with Tom Adamick Project Manager at University of New Hampshire

Tom shares his learnings and the power of professional learning networks, relationship building in a work setting and moving between education, corporate, international, and domestic work experiences. Tom has been a classroom teacher, a database trainer, professional learning specialist, and developer of strategic learning initiatives for Apple. He’s lived and worked in international schools in […]
A conversation with Daniela Silva Group Head of Learning Innovation and #EdTech Singapore

When Daniela was last on the podcast she was working in Peru, but now she has travelled halfway around the world to work in Singapore. We talk about what it’s like moving to a tech leadership role for a group of schools, how Daniela stays connected to the classroom and life in Singapore. About […]
A conversation with Ewan McIntosh – Founder & CEO, NoTosh

Ewan shares his own reflections about the work he has facilitated with companies, nonprofits and school around the world, and how with the last 18 months experience of the pandemic organisations are reimagining the way they work, learn and collaborate, and what might be some approaches, disposition and strategies to engage with the creative tensions […]
A conversation with Liz Free CEO and Director at International School Rheintal & Viki Stiebert Director at International School of Bergen

Liz and Viki share their journey as international school educators and school directors. Sharing and exploring their respective leadership experience over the past 18 months with the pandemic and how this is framing some of their approaches to their school year and leadership. Further exploring the challenges and silver linings of this learning as […]
A conversation with Derek Luebbe, CEO – Jetlag Learning

Derek worked in leadership roles in various international schools and then left to form an EdTech startup. We talk about Derek’s company ‘Jetlag learning’ and discuss what it takes to build an EdTech company. John Mikton on Social Media LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jmikton/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jmikton Web: beyonddigital.org Dan Taylor on social media: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dantcz/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanTaylorAE Web: www.appsevents.com Listen on: iTunes / Podbean / Stitcher / Spotify / YouTube […]
A conversation with Clive Watkins Director Of Institutional Advancement at The American School in Japan

In this conversation with Clive, we explore the imperatives and dynamics of fundraising at non-profit international schools, the role of Advancement, the strategies that schools have explored, and the challenges and opportunities that schools must consider in order to remain competitive in today’s global educational marketplace. About Clive Watkins Prior to joining The American […]
A conversation with Tricia Friedman (Creative Lexical Extraordinaire ) & Jeff Utech (Big Dreamer & Founder)

Tricia and Jeff share their journey from working in International Schools and then becoming consultants involved in founding, and running of Learning2, COETAIL, Edurolearning and Allyed.org (now Shifting Schools https://www.shiftingschools.com/). Exploring the opportunities with the changing landscape of professional development, how to engage in the learning in schools with diversity, equity and inclusion. Hosting their […]