
Bangkok Google in Education Summit 2015 Reflections

by +Adam Bodley  I guess education conferences are like buses – you wait ages for one, and then two come along at once, hence my second blog post in a row that is a conference report! Delegates settling in before my presentation. Last weekend saw the 4th annual Bangkok Google in Education Summit, organised by the […]

European Google Apps for Education Summit

by +Cary Hart This past weekend I was lucky enough to present a session at the European Google Apps for Education Summit. I presented a beginner level session on getting started with Google Docs in the primary classroom. It was just the basics of Google Docs with a bit about how I introduce it to students […]

It’s More Than Your Chromebook Rollout Plan, It’s Change Management

Are you doing it right?by +Jack West, Hapara Senior Research Analyst School is starting in the Northern Hemisphere. Here in the U.S., we say, “August is the new September,” as many school districts are deciding to begin school earlier and end earlier to log in more instructional hours before the April/May standardized testing season. Many […]

Cattura CaptureCast: Great Screencast Tool for Education Videos

Have you ever considered creating your own videos or having your own YouTube channel? For educators looking for a simple screencasting tool to record tutorials, demos and presentations, Cattura’s CaptureCast Chrome App is what we use at AppsEvents. CaptureCast is a free screen and webcam recorder that lets you seamlessly upload to YouTube, Vimeo Pro, or […]

Review of the new Google Education Certifications

With the announcement of the new Google Eduction Certifications last Friday we thought we would post a quick summary of the new certifications and how they differs from the old ones. Firstly here are the two important links to get you started: Education Training CenterCertification FAQ page The pdf below gives a summary of the […]

Our Connected Data

by +John Mikton Over the last few weeks, an outstanding series produced by ARTE called “Do Not Track Me” has become available and is getting quite a bit of social media attention. The different episodes explore and highlight the technologies, algorithms, data mining and aggregation of our online information through digital devices, tools, ecosystems and environments. Each of […]

Better Student Engagement Through Media Rich Collaboration with SMART amp

Editor’s Note: Today’s blog post is a guest article from +Boris Berlijn, one of our speakers for Netherlands GIESummit held last May 2-3, 2015 at The International School of Amsterdam. In this blog post, he shares his experience working with a new cloud collaboration tool and how it has helped him really engage his students. […]