
New ‘Featured Speaker’ Badge Announced for Regular Summit Speakers

Currently all speakers at AppsEvents summits can use the electronic ‘Summit Speaker’ badge and in addition we are delighted to announce today the new ‘Featured Speaker’ badge for regular presenters. All speakers who have presented three or more summit sessions are eligible to use the new badge and in addition can use it as soon as their […]

Introducing AppsEvents Global Summit Partner ‘Wizkids’

We are delighted to have had Wizkids as a great supporter of our summits and the Google in Education Community in general since our first ever summit in Prague 2012, and have had fun hanging out with the Wizkids team literally across the world at our summits in Asia, Europe and the US.We had a connection as […]

Appsevents Announce Electronic Badges for Summit Speakers and Host Schools

Have you spoken or are speaking at a 2014 summit? We are delighted to announce our ‘Summit Speaker‘ electronic badges that speakers can add to their blog, sites, presentations, email signatures etc. From now on, these will be emailed to all speakers before each summit, including instructions on how to use them. Interested in presenting? Submit […]

Introducing AppsEvents Global Summit Partner ‘Hapara’

We are delighted to have had Hapara as a great supporter of our summits and the Google in Education Community in general since our first ever summit in Prague 2012, and have had fun hanging out with the Hapara team literally across the world at our summits in Asia, Europe and the US. Hapara is […]

Google Demo Slams Live-on-Air with Lee Webster

If you are constantly looking for fresh ideas on how to use Google products more efficiently in the classroom or new Google tricks to improve work productivity, tune-in to the Google Slam community by +Lee Webster. The Google Slam community is a once a month live on air show where a group of educators from […]

Google Apps for Education ‘Optimisation Audit’ Process [Infographic]

We posted previously about our Google Apps for Education Optimization Audit where we analyze the Google Apps set-up for schools and recommend modifications based on analysis of the current set-up and incorporation of best practice from leading schools. We thought we would show our audit process here as it may be useful for schools who […]

Coming soon in late 2014: AppsEvents Announce ‘Google Classroom’ Bootcamps

There has been a huge interest in Google Classroom and from what we have seen so far it is going to be a revolutionary tool in further democratising EdTech and moving control to the individual teacher. Our blog post on Google Classroom and the Google Classroom ‘Sneak Preview’ at our California Summit back in May […]

Summits versus Bootcamps versus Cloud Camp

We’ve been asked many times what is the main difference between the various training events that we host and with the addition of Cloud Camp to our list of offerings, let’s take a look at the difference between a Google in Education summit, certification bootcamp, and Google Cloud Camp. A Google in Education Summit is […]