Ninja #ChromeTips for a Better Browsing Experience

Last week, I wrote about 10 time-saving Chrome extensions to help teachers cut back a little on their time. For this week’s article, I thought of making a follow up post this time around a compilation of little known Chrome tips to help you get the most from this browser. Before I give the tips… […]

Using Hangouts On Air in You Tube for Instant Broadcast

Often folks think that HOA are used only G+ but really you can create, broadcast and edit all within your YouTube account!  Just go to ‘upload’ and you’ll find the link to create a HOA.  Instructions are included on how to verify your YouTube account (must be done in order to broadcast HOA.  I’ll model […]

10 Time Saving Chrome Extensions for Teachers

By Jane Vestil At AppsEvents, our browser of choice will always be Chrome not just because we advocate the use of Google Apps and other Google products for education, but largely due to the fact that Chrome offers a wide selection of extensions that you can use so your browser will perform the way you […]

Take Your Students on a Cultural Art Tour Around The World with Google Art Project

By Jane Vestil The Importance and Challenges of Art Appreciation I like to consider myself a forever student, and if there is a subject (or subjects) that I love the most it would be Arts and Culture. While some people might think that your knowledge of famous Renaissance artists or impressionist paintings don’t offer practical […]

The three phases of Google Apps adoption in schools

It’s interesting having being involved in Google Apps projects at schools since the launch of Google Apps for Education in 2006 to look at the evolving trends as to why schools have adopted Google Apps and Google tools. I had a really interesting chat last week with Jan Zawadski from Hapara in Palo Alto where […]

Changes to the Google Education Certification Programs in 2014

We have had several questions regarding the updated Google Education Certifications so I thought I would write a blog post to look at the new certifications, and also the changes in more detail. Firstly all information about the certification programs is available at the new Google Education page by clicking on the ‘Certification’ link. The […]

Mini Charts in Google Sheets Cell, Guest Mode on Chromecast, Google Tips, and More

Great resource links, tips, news, and updates shared by our Google+ community members from December 8 to 14, 2014 as well as updates from our #GIESummit Twitter stream. SPARKLINE – To help you visualize data trends in a spreadsheet, you can now add miniature charts, or sparklines, into individual cells in Sheets. Guest mode […]

Attach Multiple Drive Files to an Assignment in Google Classroom and more

Great resource links, tips, news, and updates shared by our Google+ community members from December 1 to 7, 2014. Classroom Update – Now you can attach multiple Drive files to an assignment in Google Classroom. Google, a world within the World! – Presentations slides by +Teresa Almeida d’Eca for her session during the first […]

Amazing Shortcut for Sharing Google Docs, New Security Tools for Google Apps, and more

Great resource links, tips, news, and updates shared by our Google+ community members from November 23 to 30, 2014. Amazing Shortcut for Sharing Google Docs! – Easily share a preview copy of Docs, Sheets and Slides with just a quick edit of the URL. Great tip shared by +Kasey Bell  New security tools to help improve online […]